5 Things You Can Do Today To Be Ready For Your First Yoga Class Tomorrow

As a yoga instructor, one of the most common things that I hear is,

“I can’t come to yoga, I’m not flexible.”

Which has never made sense to me. Ummm isn’t that why you would go to yoga in the first place? To become flexible?

Here are five things you can do today to be ready for your first yoga class tomorrow.

  1. Breathe
This is an important one! Breathing is a fundamental part of yoga because it is a tool that can be both relaxing and energizing. Plus, it's what feeds your body. I know you already can breathe (hopefully, if you're reading this) but let's just try to make it a little more controlled. Start by taking a big inhale in through your nose for 4 seconds and then a big exhale out of your nose for 4 seconds. Just finding a natural flow of breath in and out through the nose.

2. Reach
Next on the list, we will add some movement to our breath. Start with your feet about hips-distance apart and soften the knees. Take a big inhale and reach the arms up overhead. Think of a big stretch for arms, shoulders and torso.
To accommodate for any shoulder injuries, reach your arms forward instead of up. If need be, you can do this while sitting in a chair.

3. Fold
Now this one might sound more difficult than it actually is, but don't worry it's not. Folding targets two of the most notorious tight places, hamstrings and lower back so we will move into this one real nice and gentle like. From your reach-up we will soften the knees as we draw the hands down to the shins or our yoga blocks (can use a sturdy box/tub/mini-stool/railing/etc). Think long spine, long neck.

4. Drink
Water water water. Your body is made up of 80% of the stuff, you have to drink it. Especially during a yoga class when you have moved so much body fluid around your system and released so much tension, stress, and not to mention sweat! You definitely want to be hydrated for class before class, during class, and after class. It also helps if you get a nice water bottle! Check out this one from my friends at Lululemon (it can hold hot or cold drinks!)

5. Smile
Last but certainly not least, smile! Yoga is supposed to be fun. It’s a personal experience. It's easy to get caught up in the critical thoughts of “I am terrible at this, why can't I balance” but that's why it's a yoga practice - it doesn't have to be perfect. Leave the criticism and judgment at the door and just relax.

Got any other tips or ideas that helped you be more comfortable in your first class? Let me know!


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